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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  March 31, 2021 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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because i have a feeling emma might go into labor any minute. >> dana: baby alert! >> jesse: that's it for us. "special report" is up next with bret baier. >> bret: maybe we should just wait around for that. okay, thank you, jesse. appreciate it. good evening. i am bret baier appeared breaking tonight, president biden is promoting what appears to be the latest flank in a massive tax-and-spend platform, $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan. the president unveiled the broad strokes of the proposal short time ago at an event in pittsburgh, calling it a once in a generation investment. the plan comes on the heels of a $2 trillion coronavirus relief package and spike elation on how president biden plans to pay for all of it. white house correspondent peter doocy starts us off live from pittsburgh. >> good evening.
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the president is referring to this plan is being as ambitious and transformational as the interstate highway system or the space race. it comes with a higher price tag than any government spending proposal ever plus the biggest tax hike in decades. >> it's not a plan that tinkers around the edges. it's a once in a generation investment in america. >> the headlines of the infrastructure section of the biden production plan, $115 billion to modernize roads and bridges most in need of repair. 111 billion to replace all lead pipes. 213 billion to build or retrofit 2 billion affordable, sustainable houses. >> it's about infrastructure. >> the white house wants to raise the corporate tax rate to 20% and raise the global minimum tax to 21%. >> it's mended administration of the government, by the government, for the government. the only thing it appears they are in favor of his more
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government spending, taxes and government power over lives. >> the chamber of commerce argues against it. properly done a major investment in infrastructure today is an investment in the future and like a home should be paid for overtime. 30 years. by the users who benefit from the investment. >> i'm concerned about the level of our national debt. we have reached a critical point. >> the infrastructure bill is more of a spending bill because it's not just about infrastructure. >> american jobs plan will lead to transformational progress in order to tackle climate change. >> the white house wants $174 billion to win back the electric vehicle market. at $16 billion to plug oil wells in clean a band in mind. $10 billion to create a civilian climate core. the president is also calling for $100 billion for racial and gender equity in the job market. >> addressing infrastructure, climate, and environmental
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justice together and creating millions of good paying jobs is just the right combination. >> the proposals are alarming to leaders in fossil fuel producing states like north dakota. >> the united states, we have finally got ourselves in a position where we can sell energy to our friends and allies versus buying from our enemies and now with this administration we appear to be reversing course on that. >> the president is trying to live up to his campaign promise to be the most progressive president ever. >> it's big, yes. bold, yes. we can get it done. >> there is actually two parts. this was just the american jobs plan. the president says the next two weeks he will unveil the american family plan which is expected to be loaded with social programs but is guaranteed to cost more taxpayer money because that does not conference two days multitrillion dollar price tag or tax hikes.
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>> bret: today the president said he wants to reach out to republicans. he wants to have republicans in the oval office. but it was not clear whether he had talked to the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell. do we know? >> i'm looking at my phone because i've been trying to get clarity from the white house. the president said today he has spoken to mitch mcconnell about this plan. it's just not clear whether or not that was during the transition when we know they talked or after swearing in when i last update was that they had not had any kind of a meaningful conversation. >> bret: in a few minutes we will take you to another rust belt town that's lost much of its economy after closing off its coal-fired power plants. it will take you there. president biden still saying very little about his first major domestic crisis, the immigration surge at the southern border. tonight we are hearing new information about the struggles some of the migrants are enduring. casey stegall is in eagle pass,
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texas, tonight. >> they are not just statistics. behind every apprehension of the southern border, story, whether it's this pregnant woman who traveled weeks from honduras or a 6-month-old rescued by texas rangers after they say smugglers through the infant into the river and broke her mother's leg. >> a lot of trauma coming here. we need to not further traumatize him. >> no easy task says immigration rights advocates considering the crowded and unsanitary conditions that have been described in some of the processing sites and temporary overflow facilities. leaders say they are working with what they've got. >> this may not be the marriott resort but it's clean, it's air-conditioned, climate controlled and it's regulated had a very good way that we separate covid patients away from the young boys that do not have it. >> the white house allows to help stop the surge by going straight to the source.
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today vice president kamala harris spoke with the president of guatemala by phone, working on "innovative ways to keep migrants from making the journey." ." >> they leave because there's a lack of opportunity or it's just not safe. so my area of focus in the northern triangles to deal with some of those issues. >> some republicans argue the focus should be on stricter policies. >> we can't just put the welcome mat out for anybody and everybody in the world who wants to come to the united states because we will be overwhelmed. >> while on instagram. >> stop. >> democratic horsemen alexandria ocasio-cortez slammed those use turkeys and the word surge to describe the influx. >> they are children, not insurgents. we are not being invaded. >> we should note that aoc in the instagram post did not offer any solutions to the problem. by the way, we are just giving the latest numbers and from the federal government.
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tonight the same more than 18,000 migrant children are now in u.s. custody. bret. casey stegall, thank you. from multiple sources on capitol hill, senator mcconnell did talk to president biden this morning. the message going back was that the package was too big and might have a lot of difficulty passing the senate. we'll follow up on it. fox news has learned san diego teachers are being given the option to replace work shifts at their schools with shifts teaching migrant children's in person. instruction will be held at the san diego convention center. more than 700 unaccompanied migrant children are being housed there. some teachers are volunteering to give in-person instruction despite high covid rates among the migrant children. the san diego public school students meantime are not given an in person option. they are being taught online. facebook has removed a video of the interview with former
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president trump conducted by his daughter-in-law lara trump who is now fox news contributor. the company says any content "in the voice of donald trump will be scrubbed from the social media platform." facebook permanently banned the former president after the capitol riot. he was asked about his clinical future including the return of trump rallies. >> sure, i think so. we are thinking about doing one relatively soon just to let everybody know that there is hope in the future. >> do we have hope that there's a possibility fizzy donald trump run again in 2024. >> you do have hope. stay on the former president said to be moving forward with plans to start his own social media platform according to sources familiar with the matter. foxes told the trump team is "taking the time to do it right." stocks were mixed. the dow lost 85, s&p 500 gained 14.
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nasdaq rose 201 today. we are learning new details tonight about the events leading up to the death of george floyd. those details came in testimony for the trial of the former minneapolis police officer charged with causing that death. correspondent matt finn is in minneapolis again tonight. >> this new video from inside cup foods show some of the final moments of george floyd's life. floyd appears to shuffle and stumble through items in his pocket. a key eyewitness, charles mcmillan, can be seen on heard on the arrest videos telling floyd he was going to die of a heart attack as he was resisting getting into the squad car, kicking at and struggling with officers. >> you're going to die of a heart attack. >> get in the car. >> mcmillan, breaking down on the stand. >> my god. >> are you okay?
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>> mcmillan testified he told the officers floyd could not breathe while under chauvin's knee but officers responded to floyd was able to talk and he was breathing. mcmillan also revealed that he talked to chauvin a few days before the arrest about how police and civilians just want to go home safely. another critical eyewitness, former cup foods clerk, christopher martin, testified he immediately knew that the $20 bill floyd gave him was fake and was going to have it taken from his own paycheck if he accepted it, so he went outside twice to talk with floyd who did not comply. martin added that while in the store, floyd was in good spirits but seemed under the influence with delayed speech. >> it kind of took him a little long to get to what he was trying to say. it appeared he was high. >> martin said he still haunted about what happened. >> if i would have just not taken the bill, it could've been avoided. >> margin also revealed floyd and his friend were in cup foods
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earlier on the day that floyd died and that hall allegedly tried to pass a fake bill the first time. martin testified he wasn't sure if floyd knew he was using a fake bill. some of the jurors say that they had never seen any of that graphic, disturbing george floyd arrest video. in court a short while ago for the first time this entire jury had to sit through all four of the police body worn camera videos. >> bret: matt finn in minneapolis, thank you. breaking tonight, a major vaccine manufacturer says it's formula is safe and effective in children is to list all. that will be a major step forward in the effort to get students immunized before the fall semester. correspondent jonathan serrie has details from atlanta along with a major announcement from another drugmaker. good evening. >> breaking news to tell you about. "the new york times" reports that 15 million doses of johnson & johnson's vaccine were ruined when workers at a
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manufacturing partner makes the wrong ingredients. future shipments have been delayed. the fda investigates. there's positive news on the vexing front. >> today pfizer announced clinical trial show it's vaccine is 100% effective in preventing covid-19 in children ages 12 to 15. the company plans to seek approval for from the fda to lower the minimum age for its vaccine, currently 16, potentially enabling younger children to be vaccinated before they head back to school in the fall. having a vaccine for children would also remove a major hurdle for families wanting to travel if proof of immunization is required. the governor of florida rejects the idea of vaccine passports. >> is completely unacceptable. for the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply be able to participate in normal society. >> florida is seeing an uptick
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in cases among younger adults while michigan, new york, new jersey lead more than two dozen states reporting increases in your daily cases over the past week. public health officials speculate lifting restrictions, mast gatherings and highly contagious variants are fueling the new infections they are urging governors to continue mitigation efforts until vaccination catches up. the cdc director reported a promising finding. >> our data from the cdc today suggests that vaccinated people don't carry the virus, don't get sick. it's not just in the clinical trials but it's also in real-world data. >> and existing vaccines protect not just against the original coronavirus but arrange a variants. speak of the bottom line message to everyone that is why it's so important to get vaccinated. >> according to a new kaiser family foundation survey 62% of americans have either been vaccinated or planned to get vaccinated as soon as possible.
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that is up from 47% just two months ago. bret. >> bret: in the meantime we have parts of europe seeing this surge in new cases. >> it's especially bad in france. they have now topped 5,000 patients in icu beds for the first time in 11 months. president macron is closing schools for the next three weeks. imposing a ban on domestic travel for the next month in hopes of reversing the trend. manufacturing delays and supply issues has slowed the rollout in e.u. nations. vaccine hesitancy is higher in europe than it is here in the u.s. >> bret: will watch it closely. thank you. up next, the battle over disputed congressional seats comes to a surprising and sudden end. we'll bring you that. first, here's what some of our fox affiliates on the country covering tonight. fox 11 los angeles. l.a. county sheriff says the texas have determined what
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caused tiger woods to crash his. they are not releasing details, citing unspecified privacy concerns for the golf star. woods suffered serious injuries in the crash when he struck a raised median. he is in florida recovering from multiple surgeries. w fff in burlington, vermont, with the opening of a high school in what used to used to be a macy's department store, the old school was close to after toxic chemicals were found in the building and soil during renovations. this is a live look at boston from wf xt, are affiliate. one of the biggest raise there tonight the rising popularity in digital nba trading cards. it uses the cryptocurrency technology called block chain which allows the creation of permanent certificates of ownership that cannot be copied or deleted. most are valued from $10 to $20 buddy lebron james duncan recently went for 210,000.
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that's tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." 210. we'll be right back.
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>> bret: breaking tonight, the partisan battle over disputed congressional seat in iowa is over tonight. the democrat challenging the election of her republican opponent by just six votes last november says she's done. finished. congressional correspondent chad pergram is live on capitol hill tonight. what prompted the move? >> good evening, democrat rita hurt said conversations with people she trust prompted her to withdraw her challenge to shield the iowa representative mary annette miller meeks. this came as miller meeks got back up from the kevin mccarthy parachuted into iowa after nancy pelosi suggested that the house could unseat miller meeks. >> it is the people's house, not pelosi's house. the idea that democrats want to turn over an election after it's been counted, recounted, and a
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bipartisan election board had voted. it's time to move on. >> hart agreed, calling the outcome of the race the stain on democracy. she added that the truth is not prevailed. hart says there was a toxic campaign of political disinformation. iowa election officials certified miller-meeks is the winner by six votes. the closest house race in a century. democrats contend that election officials never counted 22 ballots. >> it's about following the democratic process and making sure that all iowans have their voice heard in their voices their vote. >> democrats are making a big push for congress to pass voting rights bills. democrats hope to use a disputed race like this to make a point. the house is still probing another race. republican jim ober weiss lost to illinois democrat laura underwood. mccarthy doesn't back the challenge. >> bret: just to be clear, while the democrat pulled out,
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stop going forward, speaker pelosi was ready to move forward, right? >> she said she could see a scenario and i asked if they would remove miller-meeks and seat rita hart but it takes it two-thirds vote to kick something out of the house and that's only happened five times. several of those expulsions were during the civil war. >> bret: chad pergram, the man with all the facts on capitol hill. thanks. republican encouragement from florida matt gaetz sexual misconduct allegations says part of an elaborate extortion plot and are not true. the justice department is investigating whether gaetz had a relationship with a 17-year-old female. gaetz says that they were targeted via official. he has called on the doj to release details and tapes of that investigation. no comment from justice on any of it yet. the pentagon is announcing new rules for transgender people in the military. the regulations allow those who
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meet military standards to enlist and serve openly in their self identified gender. they will also be able to get medically necessary transition related care authorized by law. the changes reversed policies under the previous administration that largely banned transgender people from serving the military. president biden signed an executive order implementing the changes shortly after taking office. up next, we will head to a struggling rustbelt town and show you what happens when the power plants there run out of power. as we go to bray, g gordon libby has died, a former fbi agent who helped plan the watergate burglary. spent more than four years in prison. after that he became a talk radio host, writer, consultant and actor. libby's son says his father died yesterday. she gordon
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[sfx: psst psst] allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good ♪ ♪ >> bret: it's president biden lays out his infrastructure plan in pittsburgh today will take you to another town and the rust belt that has seen jobs and livelihoods come and go. manchester, ohio, dealing with the loss of two coal-fired power plants and the way of life that went along with them. correspondent mark meredith has the story. >> sitting adjacent to the ohio river is the town of manchester. plenty of natural beauty. over the years in downtown, it
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became an eyesore. >> hope it will get back to where it was when i was growing up. >> therese is manchester's mayor. her mission is to regenerate jobs and revenue that nearly vanished after two nearby coal power plants shut down. >> completely funded by the power plants. what do you do when your entire budget is affected? >> several manchester residents sat down with fox news to discuss the struggle towns like their space as coal plants nationwide either downsize or die. >> i didn't realize the devastation that would follow. not even the next six months. it was the next year the next two years. >> the plants close during the trump administration. >> it wasn't something that he could fix. >> more plants may vanish in the years ahead under president biden who campaigned on pushing america away from coal. >> the future rests in renewable energy. >> former plant worker joel hansen says that he's eager to
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look forward, not back. >> i lost my job. still, things happen for a reason. you move on. >> under the plan unveiled today president biden wants to spend 40 billion on a program to help dislocated workers learn new skills. many in manchester stated they are open to the idea but much more interested in what small businesses can offer. >> it's really learning how to brand and learning how to market. educating people and we are proud and loud. >> manchester's leaders admit there is still work to do. >> it's not the government that's gonna come in and fix everything. that is the people's job. >> they say for their town and others like it it's all about determination. >> we have to change her focus. you can't give up hope. >> in manchester ohio, mark meredith. fox news. >> bret: u.s. supreme court heard oral arguments over how colleges can reward athletes who play at the top levels of
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football and basketball. ncaa says is that if the former college students who brought the case when meka could erase the dissension between professional and college sports. the athlete saying the current rules deprive students of the ability to be rewarded for athletic talents. so far the former players have one like every round of this case. lower courts have agreed that the ncaa's rules capping education related benefits can violate federal antitrust law. there is new controversy tonight over the world health organization report on where the coronavirus came from. the head of that organization is openly complaining about the lack of data from chinese officials. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot has the latest. >> fallout from the world health organization report on the origins of covid-19. japan is the latest country to publicly back the u.s. and others criticizing the findings of the month-long trip to china. >> regarding this investigation
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we are concerned that it faced delays and a lack of access to virus samples. >> the w.h.o. chief acknowledged his team of international scientists have difficulty accessing information from the chinese hosts. some team members agree. >> could argue the pace of doing this investigation. there are more things perhaps we might have been given. >> chinese officials say they provided all the information asked for by the visiting scientists and backed at least one pro-china line of investigation. the w.h.o. after open. the virus might have started outside china. >> we must have a broader field of vision, not just limited to a certain place but we must view all places of the world. >> the team conclude covid most likely originated in china from a bat via intermedia animal to a human. they said that the virology lab was an unlikely cause but the
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chief said it needed more study. new calls for a fresh investigation into china's role in the pandemic, some states doomed as long as beijing is in charge. >> they're not cooperating with the investigation. speak without cooperation we will never be able to nail down the origins. >> former cdc chief robert ridge back to the lab leak idea. he is an advisor to maryland governor hogan. some officials are demanding a dismissal calling the idea antiaging. the theory could becoming more mainstream. greg palkot in london, thanks. some of the other stories beyond our borders. at present russian opposition leader alexei navalny has started a hunger strike to protest failure to provide proper treatment for his back and leg pain. he says officials refused to give them the right medicine and to allow his doctor to visit him. he was arrested in january upon his return from germany where he was recovering from a poisoning attack he blames on the kremlin.
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russia of course denies involvement. the european union says it will target eight iranian militia and police commanders and three state entities with sanctions next week. the actions or in response to a deadly crackdown in november of 2019 by iranian authorities. diplomats say the travel bans and asset freezes will be the first time the e.u. has imposed sanctions on iran for human rights abuses since 2013. just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. up next, president biden's infrastructure plan and the massive tax increases to pay for it with the panel. i had enough! it's not getting in my way. joint pain, swelling, tenderness...much better. my psoriasis, clearer... cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis look and feel better with cosentyx.
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>> i am proposing a plan for the nation that rewards work, not just rewards wealth. no making under $400,000 will see their federal taxes go up, period.
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this is not about penalizing anyone. i have nothing against millionaires and billionaires. i believe in american capitalism. we're going to raise the corporate tax up to 20%. china and other countries are eating our lunch. no reason why can't be bipartisan. >> bret: president biden laying out the first part of the plan, likely to come in two tranches for infrastructure and other spending. howard breaks down at least a little bit. 115 billion to modernize roads and bridges. modernize lead pipes. affordable sustainable homes, raise the corporate tax of 20% from 21 and raised a global minimum tax 21% from 13. republicans gluing senator mcconnell have questions about the total number. >> i am concerned about the
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level of our national debt. we have reached the critical point. i hope were not beginning to engage in the habit of any time i want to do something to college and national emergency and run up the national debt. over $27 trillion, the same size as the economy. >> bret: democrats say republicans are just finding this concern about the debt and deficit. let's bring in the panel. morgan ortagus, former state department spokesperson. trey gowdy, former congressman from south carolina. trey, your thoughts on the president's layout of the plan. >> he said he hopes it's bipartisan. when congressman ford was in the house and when i was there, transportation bills were bipartisan but i have never heard phrases like human infrastructure or social infrastructure. it was roads and bridges and ports and airports and pipes.
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i have no idea what social infrastructure means. as for senator mcconnell i like him a lot but republicans didn't say a word about debt and deficits the last four years that i can recall and raising taxes on other people is always politically popular. if this were just about infrastructure i think it would get done but it's about a lot more than that. >> bret: we raise that issue about deficit and debt and how republicans haven't talked about it because for the last four years if you look at the national debt clock it keeps on ticking every day over 28 trillion right now the total number here and that eventually is unsustainable. here is former vice president in the vice presidential debate in 2008. >> talk about the maverick john mccain. he has been a maverick on issues but not on the things that matter in people's lives. he voted for george bush's
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budget would put us half a trillion dollars in debt and over 3 trillion in debt since he got there. >> bret: $3 trillion in debt sound so quaint when you look at that. do you think there's going to be more concerned about it? >> thanks for having me on. a couple things, i think the way joe biden framed the debate, to answer your question. it's a competition between us and china and other countries but largely china and how do we invest in those things that will enable us to not only stay ahead but keep america ahead and be the envy of the world. investment in new battery technology, investments and climate technologies, clean climate technologies, finding ways to invest in people, the pandemic demonstrated or uncovered some of the massive shortcomings, incredible shortcomings that exist in education and health care and broadband. i think this president, i gave him great credit.
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everyone's not going to get all they want. liberals and progressive are asking for 10 trillion. some republicans are weakening, working in congress years ago like trey gowdy, concerned about the deficit. some are raising that concern. it's a little late but i'll give them credit. at least they are weakening to it. joe biden said he wants to do something very different. he wants to be bold, he wants to push the country ahead and ensure that we stay ahead of china and other photos. i thought the best part of the speech was when he said i reward work is much as wealth. wealth in this country should be rewarded, it should be congratulated. work should be as well. what he did today was to push down that road. >> bret: when you get into the weeds, morgan, the corporate tax increase affects a lot more than just corporations. obviously you're also competing on the world stage and china would have less as far as i corporate tax than other
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countries. we would be higher than they are. the other thing is the personal tax increase. some small businesses put their companies through an individual tax and they are an escort. you're touching a lot of different people, not just corporations and rich people. >> you bring up great points and it's not just the tax increases and the bill. you can look at things like the provisions that would get rid of the gig economy as we know it so if your millennial or gen xer and you like it will breeds, that could be at risk in this bill. the bottom line is not a serious interest in travail. the green new deal and tons of new spending. as senator mcconnell and others have pointed out, less than a quarter of the bill has to do with infrastructure spending. when i look at the bottom line, if it's not a serious infrastructure bill, what's the goal and the goal has to be i
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assume to call it an infant structure bill, beat up the republicans and perhaps use it as a way to get rid of the filibuster or use reconciliation to pass very unpopular items like the green new deal and other liberal spending measures. whenever were talking about tonight on your show, one thing we are not talking about is the serious infrastructure bill. >> bret: trey, he is going been clearly these early moves policy wise. if i was to ask you what is president biden doing right, would you say? >> i actually think he's really good on messaging. i watched the press conference. he is an affable guy, a pretty good salesman. unfortunately when you turn the product owner doesn't always work so you may like the salesman but if your vacuum cleaner doesn't work, you're probably going to look elsewhere. i give him credit that he actually is a likable person. >> bret: all right. we will leave that they are paid
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up next, the controversy over the report about the origins of the coronavirus in china and the latest virus and vaccine news. to clear the way for stuff like this, right here. run with us, because the best yards are planted with real memories. search john deere mowers for more. today let's paint with behr ultra scuff defense... so that you can live that scuff-free life. honey, i'm home! honey! scuff defense. i love our scuff-free life. behr ultra scuff defense. exclusively at the home depot.
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>> all hypotheses are on the
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table and warrant complete and further studies. >> no difference between the information we have on the information held by experts. >> go to dr. ted rose and say we are not giving you any more money until you demand that china allow in an independent group of researchers to have unfettered discretion to find out whether the virus leaked from a wild and to find out its origin. otherwise we're never going to get to the bottom of this. >> bret: the world health organization is questioning china about the lack of data provided about the origins of the virus. w.h.o. is doing that. 14 countries are saying they need more information. this is something that we reported on more than a year ago. at the beginning senator tom cotton and others work called conspiracy theorists and essentially wackos for this theory. take a listen. >> the simplest explanation is
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that this was an accidental leak from the labs. laboratory leaks happen. pretty hope they don't but they happen. they even happen in the united states but they especially have a history of happening in china. u.s. diplomats or in the lab and raised grave alarms about the safety practices. one thing we stopped doing is funding chinese laboratories. >> bret: back with the panel. morgan, you were in the trump administration. early on there is not definitive proof but there were a lot of dots that pointed to the lab. intelligence officials and state department officials were talking about it. and it was discounted. >> mike pompeo and i have been talking about this for over a year. secretary pompeo started bringing this up back in february 2020 at the munich security conference. we immediately started calling on transparency from china and to allow independent investigators.
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the whole purpose of that was because we knew if we never found the origin of the pandemic come of the virus that it would prevent us from being able to stop future pandemics. that's the bottom-line goal of all this. this w.h.o. investigation is a total sham, total joke. it has been so from the beginning. you would get more transparency out of a visit to a north korean prison camp then you were going to get out of this team. tedros, the conditions he accepted to begin with that the investigation have to be a failure. half the scientists on the investigative team had to be a chinese. they had to approve the investigators and approve the final report. secretary of lincoln has said that the chinese were involved in writing the final report. no one should take this seriously and tedros should never have approved this sham investigation. to be on the w.h.o. is saying that we need more data.
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some of the media and some pointing to the former cdc director redfield who said he believes it is the wuhan lab theory saying, just saying that is antiaging an end somehow racist. >> i don't accept it. i rejected. i think morgan is largely right and i have great friends in the media who said early on the same theory that director redfield laid out. i think we should accept the fact that this came from china. until it's proven otherwise. the w.h.o. and others, other countries, other allies. the transparency reveal it or it won't but we should accept that it did. it leads back to the conversation about how do we ensure that we are not dependent on supply chains. how do we ensure that we are not dependent for our health care and prescription drug supply chain in china. these are the kinds of moves i
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would hope this president and congress, and i've been reassured that this is how their thinking, the direction that they choose to lead us in. the blame game in america, democrats, republicans, former administrations and current administrations. how do we assure that if this happens again. in my mind the blame rests with china. i'm not concerned about the kind of accusations people are making around those who would reach the conclusion that i have. >> bret: you have the cdc director come out and say the data from the cdc says vaccinated people do not carry the virus and don't get sick. doesn't that change how we think about this whole thing? if vaccinated people do not get sick they do not carry the virus? >> it does for me. i don't use the word miracle a
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whole lot but it's miraculous that we are here in 12 months. i got my second chopped coming up in two weeks but i'll tell you, when i announced i was getting a shot, and got a lot of emails from people telling me i was crazy. i'd get four shot if i thought it would help. it's miraculous. there's another pandemic coming, to your other question about china. it's been 15 months. if the w.h.o. is frustrated with china you know that you're doing a sorry job. publicize the questions. what questions have you asked china that they haven't answered. that will get their attention. i would love to know what information we need to have they withheld and started doing it publicly. >> bret: it could be a lot. thank you. stand by. when we come back, tomorrow's headlines tonight. with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein.
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♪♪ tex-mex. tex-mex. ♪♪ termites.
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go back up! hang on! i am hanging on. don't mess up your deck with tex-mex. terminix. hi. the only way to nix it is to terminix it. ♪ ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, a look at tomorrow's headlines with the panel. morgan? >> well, legal scholars will be
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confounded because president biden is going to issue his first presidential pardon tomorrow to his first dog major who seems to have a biting problem lately. poor baby. >> bret: all right. we will see. harold? >> i like that, more fan. the supreme court could transform college athletics with a ruling that says pay college athletes. i think it's about time. i wish michigan would have won last night but the fact that they played at 10:00 last night and they are college athletes, there isn't amateurism anymore they should be paid. >> bret: we did a story on that. we are going to follow it. it's a big deal. trey, what's your headline for tomorrow? >> german shepherd major biden sits down with "tucker carlson tonight" to discuss latest white house piatting incident and tucker carlson says it's the second weirdest interview he has ever done. [laughter] >> bret: wow, two major headlines, literally. panel, thank you. listen, tomorrow on "special report," the pentagon is keeping a watchful eye on the yurik
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ukraineborder. russia flexing. that's it for "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid "fox news primetime" hosted by rachel campos-duffy this week starts right now. hey, rachel. >> rachel: hi, bret, thanks a lot. good evening and welcome to "fox news primetime." ♪ >> rachel: i'm rachel campos-duffy and tonight take a closer look at joe biden's socialist trojan horse. now, prind was in pittsburgh just a few hours ago and unveiling the american jobs plan. this massive infrastructure and climate plan that he says will rebuild the backbone of america. >> not a plan are that tinkers around the edges. it's a once in a generation investment in america. unlike anything we have seen or done since we built the interstate highway system and the space race